Sports Injury and Remedial Massage Therapy Prices

1hr 10mins Sports Injury, Remedial Massage £50 for first treatment which includes consultation form, assessment, treatment and advice.

1 hour Sports Injury, Remedial Massage £45 for follow-up treatments. these are for clients who have seen me on a regular basis.

30mins Sports Injury, Remedial Massage £25 please be aware registering as a new client I strongly advise you to have a 1hr 15mins session with me first.


Holistic Massage Therapy Prices

Full Body Massage Swedish Massage including head and scalp - 1hr &10mins for first treatment which includes consultation form £50

Full Body Massage Swedish Massage including head and scalp - 1hr for follow-up treatments. these are for clients who have seen me on a regular basis £45

Full Body Massage Swedish Massage  including head and scalp - 90 minutes £60  (giving you more time to enjoy this massage.)


Facial and Scalp Massage

1 hour experience of a Facial, Scalp, Neck, Shoulders, Arms and Hands Massage £45

45mins Facial and Scalp massage, includes neck and shoulders £40




Prices & Packages


.Sports Injury and Remedial Massage Therapy Prices

Pay 6 treatments for £240 (save £30) for 1 hour Sports Injury Remedial Massage

Pay 6 treatments for £120 (save £30) for 30mins Sports Injury Remedial Massage

Token Deal: Buy 4 treatments up front and you choose when you want each treatment

Tell a friend and you get 20% off

Loyalty Card are given if seen regularly. Have 6 treatments and get the 7th treatment 20% off.

Holistic Massage Therapy Prices

Pay 6 treatments for £240 (save £30) for 1 hour Sports Injury Remedial Massage

Pay 6 treatments for £260 (save £40) for a 90 minutes full body Swedish Massage

Token Deal: Buy 4 treatments up front and you choose when you want each treatment

Tell a friend and you get 20% off

Loyalty Card are given if seen regularly. Have 6 treatments and get the 7th treatment 20% off

Facial and Scalp Massage Prices

Token Deal: Buy 4 treatments up front and you choose when you want each treatment

Tell a friend and you get 20% off

Loyalty Card are given if seen regularly.  Have 6 treatments and get the 7th treatment 20% off.

Terms and Conditions for all treatments Please note there is a 24 hour cancellation policy, if you cancel your appointment under 24 hours of your session you will be charged.


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